Funding of articles in Open Access journals
Universitätsbibliothek » Publikationen » Funding of articles in Open Access journals

Funding of articles in Open Access journals

The Open Access Publication Fund assumes the payment of publication fees (APCs), provided that the requirements set out below are met. If you are not sure whether your publication complies with the funding guidelines, please do not hesitate to get in contact.

Please note that the assumption of costs is only possible on application. You can apply for the assumption of costs no more than 4 weeks before submitting the manuscript.
Apply for covering your article's APC

In addition, some publishers offer discounts on the publication fee (APC) and/or central payment for members of Goethe University. Please refer to our overview page to find out whether additional discounts can be applied to your planned submission.
Overview of additional agreements with publishers

Funding requirements for articles in Open Access journals

  • The »corresponding/submitting author« named in the article is a member or affiliate of Goethe University. This must be clearly stated in the affiliation section by stating »Goethe-Universität« or »Goethe University«. When specifying the affiliation, the requirements of the Affiliation Policy of Goethe University must be adhered to.
  • The article is published in a pure Open Access journal (»Gold Open Access«) that has a strict quality assurance procedure (usually peer review). The journal must be indexed in the Directory of Open Access Journals. In case of doubt, please refer to our notes on assessing the quality of OA journals. Publication fees that serve to make individual articles in conventional closed access journals Open Access (so-called »hybrid open access«) cannot be funded.
  • Regardless of the amount, the publication fee is funded up to a maximum of 1,800 euros net (plus 19% VAT; equivalent to 2,142 euros gross). Pro-rata co-financing is possible.
  • Authors from third-party funded projects that have funds available for publication costs should primarily use those funds.

Applying for funding

We would be happy to advise you in advance on eligible Open Access journals. Please contact us at the latest when your article has been accepted for publication by the publisher and you have received the invoice. Then simply send us an informal email with the invoice attached.
If your article meets the funding requirements the Open Access Fund will pay the invoice directly to the publisher.

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zuletzt geändert am 3. April 2024


- Publikationsfonds, Beratung -
Jasmin Heuer, Boram Schröter
Tel. 069/ 798-49107

- Publikationsserver, Zweitver-
öffentlichungsservice -
Jakob Jung
Tel. 069/ 798-39562

Plattform für OA-Journals
Dr. Gerwin Kasperek
Tel. 069/ 798-39365

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