About University Library Johann Christian Senckenberg
Since 1.1.2005 the Stadt-und Universitätsbibliothek Frankfurt am Main (StUB) and Senckenberg Library (SeB) has been amalgamated to form the Central Library of the University of Frankfurt am Main under the new name of «University Library Johann Christian Senckenberg».
The University Library Frankfurt am Main is one of the most significant academic libraries in the Federal Republic of Germany with its extensive stocks and collections (10,18 million media in 2018).
The library functions as an academic library for the City of Frankfurt, a university library with several state commitments for the Rhine-Hesse region and is a major participant in the national supply of literature.
When the University of Frankfurt am Main was founded in 1914 it did not possess its own library but rather five Frankfurt Libraries were given the joint task to function as a university library:
- Stadtbibliothek
- Senckenbergische Bibliothek
- Rothschildsche Bibliothek
- Kunstgewerbebibliothek
- Zentralbibliothek des Städtischen Krankenhauses
In 1945 these were amalgamated to form the «Stadt- und Universitätsbibliothek Frankfurt am Main» with the exception of the Senckenberg Bibliothek, which remained an independent institution.
Since 2005 the Stadt-und Universitätsbibliothek Frankfurt am Main and the Senckenbergische Bibliothek joined together under the new name «Universitätsbibliothek Johann Christian Senckenberg».
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