BzG: English Information
Universitätsbibliothek » BzG: English Information

Humanities Library /
Bibliothekszentrum Geisteswissenschaften (BzG)

Luftbild des IG-Farben-Haus
© Helmut Schilling

General Orientation

The nature of the architecture has determined the library's location at the extreme wings of Q1 and Q6. Entrance to the Humanities Library is from within the IG Farbenhaus building. To reach the library area in Q1 there is an entrance and exit on the 3rd floor. In Q6 on the 1st and 3rd floor respectively. Entrance for those with special needs is in the middle of the building, on the right next to the Cafe Rotunda.

Generally, there are three reading rooms on each floor, which are indicated with a blue ribbon on the door. Each wing provides an information desk with a self service machine for books on the 3rd floor. In wing Q6, there is an additional loan desk on the 1st floor.

Library card, registration

Your Goethe Card is your library card. No registration is required for using the collection in the library. For students from other universities and non-student users a library card will be issued free of charge at the registration desk of the Central University Library. An e-mail address is required in order to be notified about the arrival of items reserved.

Lending, renewals

Loan period for students is four weeks. The loan period can be renewed five times for a further four weeks, provided it has not been reserved by another user. The renewal can be done online. For further renewals, you need to go to the loan desk in person with your Goethe Card/library card and the books. Renewals by mail, postcard or telephone are not accepted.


For overdue items reminders are sent via e-mail and fines are charged as follows:

  • 1st reminder:    3.00 Euro per item
  • 2nd reminder:   3.00 Euro per item
  • 3rd reminder:    6.00 Euro per item
The fine is charged as soon as the reminder is issued and is not dependent on when, or if, you receive it.


Items currently on loan can be reserved (exception: if an item has been reserved by 2 other users, no further reservations can be placed). As soon as the desired item is available, you will be notified via e-mail.


To search the holdings of the Humanities Library, the University Library and several other libraries, some public computers are available.
The search portal lists books, doctoral dissertations, journals, e-journals, and other non-book materials.

The open shelves are publicly accessible.


In order to search the internet you need the number of your Goethe Card/library card and your password.


Photocopiers are situated on 5th floor. The Goethe Card/library card simultaneously is your copy card.

Reading room seats, group rooms

800 seats and 11 group rooms are available. Use of the group rooms is by pre-registration at the Info Desk only.


Lockers are situated inside the library. Please bring your own padlock with you. The library assumes no liability for loss or theft.

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zuletzt geändert am 15. November 2024


BRuW - Zugangsbeschränkung 06.01. - 21.02.2025 /
Limited access January 6 - February 21, 2025

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BSP - Sonntagsöffnung 19.01. - 23.02.2025 /
Sunday opening 19.01. - 23.02.2025

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Bibliothekszentrum Geisteswissenschaften
- IG-Farbenhaus (Q1 und Q6) -
Norbert-Wollheim-Platz 1
60323 Frankfurt am Main

Tel. Q1: 069/ 798-32500
Tel. Q6: 069/ 798-32653

Tel.: 069/ 798-32961

Öffnungszeiten, Anfahrt

