Specialised Information Service Linguistics
Universitätsbibliothek » Specialised Information Service Linguistics

Specialised Information Service Linguistics

Funded by: German Research Foundation (DFG)
Scope of funding: Staff appropriations and
material resources
Project duration: 2017 - 2019
2020 - 2022

Project description

The German Research Foundation (DFG) supports the Specialised Information Service Linguistics (FID Linguistik), a cooperation project between the University Library Johann Christian Senckenberg and Prof. Christian Chiarcos from the Applied Computational Linguistics lab (ACoLi) at the Goethe University. The FID Linguistik replaces the former special subject collection General Linguistics, Comparative Linguistics. For decades, the special subject collection had had the function to collect the scientific literature from the field of general linguistics with all its subdomains and neighboring disciplines as extensively as possible.

The FID Linguistik will develop the well-established Linguistik portal further. The Linguistik portal is a research instrument for the general and comparative linguistics, and the linguistics of single languages. It offers a unified interface for discipline-specific scientific resources: printed as well as electronic secondary literature, scientific online sources and research data. Within the FID Linguistik, different measures are planned in order to optimize the search for research data, to enhance the visibility of that data and to support the access to commercial language resources.

  • In a former project, the Linguistik portal had already been connected to the Linked Open Data cloud, which enabled the enhancement of the search facility. The task now is to further expand the linking. Thus, the Thesaurus of the Bibliography of Linguistic Literature (BLL) will be linked with additional ontologies within the LOD cloud.
  • The FID Linguistik applies and develops ontology-based NLP tools for the analysis of annotated language corpora and their enrichment with content-related metadata. The accumulated metadata is integrated in the Linguistik portal and made available under a CC BY license.
  • The BLL lists numerous publications from the field of corpus linguistics. The goal is to link the secondary literature with the research data (language corpora, electronic dictionaries, etc.) covered in the respective publication, and, as a result, to enhance the visibility of the publications and the underlying data.
  • In order to facilitate the access to research data, the FID Linguistik provides supra-regional license agreements for commercial multilingual language corpora.

Furthermore, the FID Linguistik offers interested researchers or small specialist publishers a technical infrastructure for the editing and hosting of open access journals.

Another service of the FID Linguistik is the acquisition of highly specialized literature. Book purchase suggestions by the research community are welcome.
Book suggestions

During the second funding period (2020 - 2022), the FID Linguistik will enhance the range of its information services. The main focus lies on the technical development of the Linguistik portal: the implementation of an ontology-based search and the establishment of new modules with topic-specific functions. For the indexing of digital publications, the FID Linguistik will develop and apply procedures for automatic extraction of formal and generation of content-related metadata. More information about the focal areas of the follow-up project can be found here: https://www.linguistik.de/en/about/project/.

Heike Renner-Westermann, M. A.
Project manager
Tel: +49 69 798-39235

Vanya Dimitrova, M. A.
Former research assistant until 2023

Project email address: info[at]linguistik.de

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