Specialised Information Service Jewish Studies / Israel Studies
Universitätsbibliothek » Specialised Information Service Jewish Studies / Israel Studies

Specialised Information Service Jewish Studies / Israel Studies

Funded by: German Research Foundation (DFG)
Funding amount: Staff appropriations and material resources
Project duration: 2016 - 2018
2019 - 2021

Project description

The search portal of the Specialised Information Service Jewish Studies (SIS Jewish Studies) serves as the central platform for scholarly information to the whole range of Jewish Studies and Israel Studies. Printed and electronic ressources of the University Library JCS of Goethe University Frankfurt are shown, shortly information from the Specialised Information Service Middle East – North Africa and Islam Studies of the ULB Sachsen-Anhalt will be added.

The German Research Foundation (DFG) funds the SIS Jewish Studies, a cooperation with Prof. Kai Eckert from the Stuttgart Media University. The SIS Jewish Studies replaces Frankfurt University Library's former special collections Judaism and Israel, which represent the largest collection of literature regarding Judaism and Israel in the Federal Republic of Germany.

The SIS Jewish Studies provides an efficient information system that rests on further core elements:

  • The development of a tool for automated reconversion of transliterated titles back to the original Hebrew script in order to facilitate retrieval.
  • The contextualisation of the extensive digital Judaica collections in cooperation with Prof. Eckert. Metadata are enriched with comprehensive information from discipline-specific reference works, so that different resources are connected in Linked Open Data.
  • The creation of a cross-portal research platform with the SIS Middle East – North Africa and Islam Studies of the ULB Halle, connecting Hebrew and Arabic literature on the special topic "Israel/Palestine" for the first time under one Web interface.
  • The integration of the bibliographic database on literature of the Jewish Enlightenment, Library of the Haskala, into the Jewish Studies portal and its further development as a scholarly platform for Haskala research.
  • The development of a demand-oriented collection, especially of resources in Hebrew, in close consultation with experts, and the licensing of subject-specific databases

Retrieval of information is possible in the original languages and scripts of Jewish Studies. Requests for book loans are to be directed to the possessing library directly.

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