Study spaces at the UB
Universitätsbibliothek » Study spaces at the UB

Study spaces ands carrels at the UB

Library users planning on taking exams or preparing for graduation at the GU may apply for study spaces/carrels equipped with pedestals. Registration is required due to high demand.

Library locations with study spaces, carrels or pedestal

Items prohibited in the carrel:

  • Books you haven´t borrowed from open stacks and stacks only collections.
  • Media from the reference collection
  • Food and beverages
  • Valuables

The library is not liable for media and items stored in pedestals or carrels.

Please note: Books that are kept in the container must also be returned on time after the loan period ends, otherwise fines will be charged. Keys belonging to an assigned study space are posted to your personal library account. A reminder is sent and a reminder is sent after the loan period has expired. If a     key is lost, a replacement fee of 25 € is due.

Select a location to get detailed information:

Campus Westend

Study spaces in the BSP

The Library of Social Sciences and Psychology provides 26 study spaces wirh pedestals for users planning on taking exams or preparing for graduation at the GU..

If you have any questions, please contact

Campus Westend

Study spaces at BSKW

© Christian Zimmermann

The Library of Linguistics and Cultural Studies provides 18 study spaces wirh pedestals for users planning on taking exams or preparing for graduation at the GU.. These are primarily allocated to students and employees of the subjects supervised by the BSKW.

If you have any questions, please contact bskw-ausleihe[a]

The workstations are equipped with lockable pedestals in which you can store your work materials.

Campus Westend

Study spaces, carrels in the BzG

The Humanities Library The Humanities Library provides 24 carrels for users planning on taking exams or preparing for graduation at the GU.

Reading booths are located in the Humanities Library Centre in the following library rooms:

  • Transverse building 1: Rooms 4.117, 5.117, 6.117 each with three reading booths
  • Transverse building 6: Rooms 612, 2.617, 4.617, 5.617, 6.617 each with three reading booths
Carrels are assigned depending on availability at the appropriate counter.

Carrel regulationspdf

Campus Bockenheim

Study spaces, carrels in the central library

The Central Library provides 77 carrels with pedestals in the reading rooms for users planning on taking exams or preparing for graduation..

Carrel registration

Carrel regulationspdf

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BRuW - Zugangsbeschränkung 06.01. - 21.02.2025 /
Limited access January 6 - February 21, 2025

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BSP - Sonntagsöffnung 19.01. - 23.02.2025 /
Sunday opening 19.01. - 23.02.2025

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