Music and Theatre - Catalogues and Other Reference Works
Universitätsbibliothek » Music and Theatre - Catalogues and Other Reference Works

Music and Theatre - Catalogues and Other Reference Works

Frankfurt University Library Catalogues
Frankfurt University's Search Portal In the Frankfurt University Search Portal you will find books, sheet music, audio cassettes, video cassettes, DVDs, and periodicals from the fields of music and theatre. Digitized music manuscripts and prints, librettos and portraits from the Manskopf Collection are listed there as well.
Inherited collections The descriptions of the literary remains contain lists of the items included or information on how to conduct a search. The descriptions of the Historical Collections / Collections of Special Items also include information on finding aids.
Catalogue of the Frankfurt Opera Collection The book catalogue of the Frankfurt Opera Collection by Robert Didion and Joachim Schlichte (Specialised Catalogue of the Opera Collection, Frankfurt, 1990) has been digitized.

Union Catalogues of Special Items

RISM (Repertoire International des Sources Musicales) Historical music manuscripts (up to ca. 1820) and printed music are listed in the RISM Union Catalogue (Repertoire International des Sources Musicales).
Please conduct searches using the Library's bibliographic code D-F as a prefix.
Kalliope The union catalogue Kalliope specialises in listing autograph letters and inherited collections. Search results can be shown selectively for the institution housing the items.
RIdIM (Repertoire International d'Iconographie Musicale) The union calogue RIdIM (Repertoire International d'Iconographie Musicale) lists paintings and additional museum objects

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