Funding for Open Access books
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Funding for Open Access books

The Open Access Publication Fund of the Goethe University promotes the Open Access publication of books (monographs and anthologies). 20 books resulting from DFG-funded research and 25 books without a DFG background can be funded per year.

As of 26.06.2024: For the funding year 2024, funds are only available for the funding of books resulting from DFG-funded research.

Cost coverage follows the first come, first serve principle.

If you are planning to publish an Open Access book, please contact us via or by telephone 069/ 798-49107.
We are happy to support you in choosing a suitable publisher, especially in terms of OA publication charges and the publisher´s services.
Provided the following funding requirements are met, we will be happy to reserve an according amount to support your publication.

Funding requirements for Open Access books

The fund can cover Open Access publishing fees for books and edited volumes up to a certain amount, as long as the following funding requirements are observed:

  • The funding limit for publication costs is maximum of EUR 6,000 gross (corresponds to 5,042 Euro net plus 19% sales tax). Only Open Access publication costs are covered, but no costs resulting from the production of a print edition. Any cost beyond the price cap must be covered otherwise.
  • If any third-party funding for the publication is available, these funds need to be used first. The Open Access Book Fund will cover the difference, as long as it is within the cost limit.
  • Funded books require at least a DOI that refers to the complete volume. Edited volumes, ideally, have additional DOIs referring to the individual chapters.
  • The publication process includes peer review or other measures for scholarly quality assurance, as are common in the discipline.
  • The publisher should list its OA books in OAPEN or the DOAB.
  • The books are published under a Creative Commons license. The licenses CC-BY oder CC-BY-SA are preferred. A publication under a Creative Commons license including the NC (NonCommercial) component cannot be covered by the fund.
    Additionally, authors and editors must grant publishers a non-exclusive license to publish their work, only.
  • The affiliation of the person funded (author or editor) to Goethe University is clearly stated within the book. In edited volumes, at least one editor is affiliated to Goethe University.
  • Funding Acknowledgements: If the publication is based on DFG funded research the DFG funding is stated within the metadata and at an appropriate place in the book (e. g. the imprint), including the unique project/funding ID. Along with die DFG acknowledgement, information on the Open Access Book Fund is included. It can be stated as follows:

    „The open access publication of this book was funded by the Open Access Publication Fund of Goethe University Frankfurt am Main.“


    »We/the authors thank the Open Access Publication Fund of Goethe University Frankfurt am Main for supporting the open access publication of this book.«

Funding is not available for

  • Single chapters or contributions to edited volumes
  • Edited volumes, if only contributors are affiliated to GU – only editors of complete volumes can be funded

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zuletzt geändert am 15. Oktober 2024



- Publikationsfonds, Beratung -
Jasmin Heuer, Lisa Martinello, Boram Schröter
Tel. 069/ 798-49107


- Publikationsserver, Zweitver-
öffentlichungsservice -
Jakob Jung
Tel. 069/ 798-39430

Plattform für OA-Journals

Dr. Gerwin Kasperek
Tel. 069/ 798-39365

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