Music and Theatre - History of the Collection, 1950 - 2014
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Music and Theatre - History of the Collection, 1950 - 2014

Theatre and the art of film: the German Research Foundation (DFG)'s Special Subject Collection 9.3

Because the University Library Frankfurt has been already housing comprehensive historical collections, it was tasked in 1950 with acquiring a great deal of research literature in the fields of theatre, the art of film, radio and television. (Special Subject Collections 9.3 and 9.4) and making it accessible throughout Germany. These collections also include rare types of publications such as stage manuscripts and theatre programmes from Austria, Germany and German-speaking Switzerland.

The Special Subject Collections funded by the German Research Foundation at major universities and specialised libraries received funds for the acquisition of relevant literature from other countries. The aim was for at least one copy of each foreign-language title to be available to users throughout Germany by means of interlibrary loan and a document delivery service.

The Special Subject Collections 9.3 and 9.4 were maintained by the Frankfurt University Library as described above until the end of 1997. In 1998, the Leipzig University Library assumed responsibility for the fields of film techniques, radio, and television, included in Special Subject Collection 3.5 (communication and media studies, public relations). With the DFG's restructuring of funding for the maintenance of literary collections, this programme expired in 2013 for the fields named above.

The Virtual Library medien buehne film media stage film

The Virtual Library (ViFa) medien buehne film was developed by the Leipzig University Library and Johann Christian Senckenberg University Library (Frankfurt am Main), and until the end of the second project phase, in collaboration with the Film and Television University "Konrad Wolf" in Potsdam and the University of Music and Theatre "Felix Mendolssohn Bartholdy" in Leipzig.

This is a web-based portal funded under Special Subject Collection 3.5 (communications and media studies, public relations), Leipzig, and the Special Subject Collection 9.3 (theatre and film studies), Frankfurt, serving the academic community in these three disciplines. In addition to the conventional library collections, the medien buehne film Virtual Library includes digital resources whose contents have been catalogued according to both their academic relevance and quality and to the standards of library science. In addition, various database systems have been integrated for purposes of research.

Two centralised web portals are now in the set-up phase: the recently established SIS Performing Arts (Frankfurt), and Communications and Media Studies (Leipzig) at the Frankfurt and Leipzig University Libraries, respectively. To ensure long-term service to users, selected items from the Virtual Library medien buehne film are currently being transferred to these two specialised web portals. After the existing data have been transferred to the SIS's new user interfaces, the Virtual Library's original web portal will no longer be in operation.


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Freimannplatz 1
60325 Frankfurt am Main

Lesesaal Spezialsammlungen

Öffnungszeiten, Anfahrt

Franziska Voß
Brigitte Klein
Sonja Pielat

Musik, Theater

Tel.: 069/ 798-39244