Open Researcher and Contributor ID (ORCID)
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Open Researcher and Contributor ID (ORCID)

What is ORCID

The Open Researcher and Contributor ID (ORCID) is a unique identifier for researchers. In a personal ORCID profile, all information on publications, research data and the academic CV can be collected. ORCID iDs represent an international standard for linking researchers to their research results.

ORCID is an international non-profit organisation supported by research institutions from all over the world. Data protection plays a major role at ORCID: researchers have full control over what information from their profile is publicly visible. Only the name and the ORCID iD are always publicly visible.

What are the benefits of a personal ORCID profile?

  • Clear identification of the person (even with identical names, name changes or different spellings)
  • Simplified communication with publishers and research funders - provision of an ORCID is often obligatory
  • Unambiguous attribution of academic CV and one's own research output (e.g. publications, research data, software)
  • Automated updating of publication lists

How does it work?

  1. Simple registration with ORCID
  2. Customise your ORCID profile and link it to other IDs (e.g. Scopus Author ID, Researcher ID), specify privacy settings
  3. Automated building of publication lists by import (e.g. from Web of Science, CrossRef, catalogue of the German National Library) or manual input
  4. Use the ORCID iD as a unique identifier in science: on the personal website, in third-party funding applications, when submitting a manuscript for publishing ...

ORCID at the Goethe University

In its affiliation policy, Goethe University recommends all researchers to register with ORCID and to use the individual ORCID iD in publications, when submitting third-party funding proposals etc. In May 2022, GU became the 79th member of the ORCID-DE consortium and participates in financing of this worldwide service.

In planned GU systems such as the research data repository or the university bibliography, ORCID will be offered as an authentication option. The GU systems will then send a notification to ORCID profiles, where they can be confirmed as »Trusted Organizations«. Thus, an automated exchange of information between these databases and the ORCID profiles of GU members will be possible.

Further information

Official ORCID flyer

For an overview of the benefits of ORCID, see the ORCID video tutorials.

Do you have questions about ORCID? Feel free to contact us at publizieren[at]!

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