Open Access Publizieren an der Goethe Universität
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Open Access Publishing at Goethe University

Open Access refers to free and open access to scientific publications worldwide, for anyone who is interested. Our Guide to Open Access provides you with an orientation on the topic and the services of the University Library.

A screenshot of the Guide to Open Access, showing a

More information on Open Access publishing

The Goethe University's Open Access Policy, which was adopted in 2017, encourages university members to publish Open Access so that scientific findings are freely accessible to all.
Due to being openly accessible, scientific publications distributed according to the principles of open access are bound to boost the visibility of their authors and highlight the accomplishments of Goethe University as a whole.
Open Access Policy of Goethe University (German version)
Open Access Policy of Goethe University (English version) pdf

Services of the University Library

  • Open Access Publication Fund
    The Open Access Publication Fund of Goethe University provides financial support to authors by covering article/book processing charges (APCs/BPCs)

  • Platform for Open Access Journals
    The platform for Open Access Journals is a hosting service for electronic journals and is aimed at editors who intend to publish their academic journals as professionally presented, openly accessible electronic journals in the future.

  • Publication server of Goethe University
    The publication server of Goethe University is an institutional repository which researchers can use to deposit secondary publications (aka self-archiving) as well as primary publications.

  • Self-archiving-service
    A full service for publishing of Authors Accepted Manuscripts (Green Open Access) if direct Open Access options are not available.

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- Publikationsfonds, Beratung -
Jasmin Heuer, Lisa Martinello, Boram Schröter
Tel. 069/ 798-49107


- Publikationsserver, Zweitver-
öffentlichungsservice -
Jakob Jung
Tel. 069/ 798-39430

Plattform für OA-Journals

Dr. Gerwin Kasperek
Tel. 069/ 798-39365

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