Open Access self-archiving service
There are many advantages to publishing a scholarly work in Open Access - immediately and freely accessible worldwide. However, publishing in OA through an academic publisher is not always possible, e. g. if the journal or publisher of choice offers no OA-option, or no fairly priced one.
More often than not, there is the option to self-archive the peer-reviewed version (called the Author Accepted Manuscript, AAM) or even the final publisher´s version (Version of Record, VoR) on an institutional repository, such as the Goethe University repository. This can be done either concurrently to the original publication or after a certain delay. Due to the effort necessary to determine the legal requirements and to upload the according manuscript version, self-archiving options have been used sparsely by GU authors, up to now. This is where the university library´s self-archiving service comes into play.
What the self-archiving service comprises
The university library´s self-archiving service identifies self-archiving options for publications authored by GU affiliates and publishes the works on the GU repository.
The self-archiving process is as follows:
- Authors affiliated to GU send information about individual publications, or comprehensive publication lists to the self-archiving service (to publizieren[at]
- We determine, if and under what conditions (version, embargo period) the publications can be self-archived.
- Authors will receive detailed feedback and give their consent that the works identified can be published on the repository. To give consent, please use e dieses Formular (German only).
- We support authors in acquiring certain versions of the publications, if necessary (e. g. the Author Accepted Manuscript).
- If necessary, we correspond with the publishers, in the author´s name, to ascertain self-archiving options.
- The self-archiving service publishes the according versions on the GU repository (observing embargo periods, if necessary).
Please take note of the additional details as well as the
terms and conditions for using the self-archiving service.
For more information, please contact us via publizieren[at]
Further information
To use the self-archiving service, please send an e-mail publizieren[at], including a list of the publications for which you would like to ascertain self-archiving options:
- DOI-List: Please send us the DOI of all publications for which you would like us to determine self-archiving options. Use one of the following options for publications without DOI.
- Export from reference management software in .ris or .bibtex: If you organize your publication list in a reference management software such as Citavi, EndNote, Zotero or similar, please send us an Export in these file formats.
- As an Excel spreadsheet: Please enter your publications into our Excel-template . Fields marked with * are mandatory, all other fields help us in correctly identifying your publications.
After reviewing your works, we send you a list of all publications for which self-archiving options are available. Following this, you give your consent with the declaration of consent for us to publish the works on the repository.
Ideally, you give us a blanket declaration of consent, agreeing not only to publishing the listed, but also all future publications for which a self-archiving option is available. The self-archiving service will process your new publications on a regular basis. Please add an according clause to the declaration of consent form.
Please note the
terms and conditions for using the self-archiving service.
The self-archiving service is available not only to individual researchers, but also to organizational units such as projects (Collaborative Research Centres, Research Training Groups, Research Groups, Clusters of Excellence), working groups, institutes, departments etc. Publication lists of the group’s members can be compiled and their self-archiving options be determined. It is useful to nominate one person which whom the necessary steps (e. g. acquiring the declarations of consent and documents) can be coordinated.
General conditions
Authors must be affiliated to GU.
For a publication with several co-authors, all authors need to agree that it can be re-published through self-archiving. We assume that all authors agree if one author formally declares their consent for publishing on the repository.
Authors give the university library a non-exclusive right to publish the works available for self-archiving. Copyright remains with the authors. Please see the declaration of consent for details.
Consent is declared for self-archiving those publications for which self-archiving options have been determined. If authors give a blanket declaration of consent, their consent is assumed for all future publications with this option. The self-archiving services does not guarantee that all publications for which a self-archiving option might be determined will be identified. It is therefore dependent on the authors reporting new publications on a regular basis, and on their contribution in acquiring correct versions of the publications.
Authors agree that the self-archiving service can contact publishers concerning self-archiving options for individual publications in case they cannot be determined otherwise.
The self-archiving service is free of charge:
- There are no costs for>
- At the same time, self-archiving options that require payment (such as paying a fee to “unlatch” closed access publications) cannot be covered.
File acquisition and document types
Authors submit those publications to the self-archiving service that cannot be acquired by the university library. This includes Versions of Record that are published on platforms that have not been licenced by the library, as well as manuscript versions such as the Author Accepted Manuscript. This also applies to works published in print only – for the time being, a retroactive digitization is not possible.
The self archiving service is not available for books (monographies and entire edited volumes or conference proceedings). The reason is that only very few publishers agree to a free self-archiving of entire books. Self-archiving of individual contributions to edited volumes or conference proceedings, on the other hand, is frequently possible.
The self-archiving service will only publish preprints (Author Submitted Manuscripts, ASM) if publishing a preprint is the only self-archiving option, and there is no suitable preprint server available.
Our identification of self-archiving options is no legally binding estimation. We rely on our knowledge and understanding of the legal conditions, the information and policies published by the publishers and their replies to direct queries, as well as our extensive experience in the field of open access publishing.
We neither guarantee that there are self-archiving options for all publications (this being highly dependent on the discipline, the publisher, or the work’s date of publication), nor that all possible self-archiving options will be discovered and exhausted.
Depending on the length of publication lists, the type of publications and the quality of metadata (inclusion of DOI or other identifiers), a longer amount of time may be required until all options have been determined.
Self-archiving, in the Open Access context, means to publish a freely accessible version of an otherwise not freely accessible academic work. The publication can take place either concurrently to the “closed access” version that is published through a publishing company, or after an embargo period after the original publication date. This praxis is also known as »Green Open Access«. It comprises publishing preprints on subject-specific repositories, as well as making Closed Access publications accessible after their publication.
Numerous publishers enable self-archiving through their policies or by their agreements with their authors. In many cases, authors can refer to the right to self-archiving guaranteed in the German Copyright Law. This law allows self-archiving of an Author Accepted Manuscript 12 months after the Version of Record was published.
When self-archiving, a number of conditions must be observed. Often, publications can be self-archived in the published version – the Version of Record. In some cases, self-archiving is only allowed for the Author Accepted Manuscript. Frequently, embargo periods must be observed, meaning that a work can only be re-published through self-archiving once a certain amount of time has passed since its initial publication. A reference to the original publication must be included in all cases, with some publishers requiring a specific wording.
Self-archiving is usually allowed on suitable platforms, such as institutional or subject-specific repositories. Frequently, re-publishing on the author’s personal web page (e.g. their bio page on the department’s website) is permitted, as well. Distribution through commercial academic networks (e.g. ResearchGate, is prohibited by many publishers. It is generally recommended to self-archive on a repository such as the GU’s. Publishing infrastructures such as the GU repository ensure that documents can be persistently referenced and accessed. Authors can link to these versions from other platforms.
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