Publishing on the repository - step by step
Universitätsbibliothek » Publikationen » Publishing on the repository - step by step

Publishing on the repository - step by step

Prerequisites for publication

Before submitting your publication to the GU repository, the following requirements must be met:

  1. Your publication is available in the PDF/A format.
    Please check our instructions for creating PDF/A files (German only) as well as further information in the section »How do I create a PDF/A file?« on the help pages for the repository. If you are unable to create a PDF/A file, you may also submit your work in the PDF format. If your publication consists of several documents or other file formats, please contact us before submitting (see also »Which document type does my publication correspond to?« on the repository help pages).
  2. Please send us the deposit licence in electronic form to publizieren[at]
    If you publish a dissertation, please instead use this form to agree to the publication. Please sign the form by hand and submit it to the Hochschulschriftenstelle (Doctoral Theses Department) along with the print copies of your dissertation.
    If your publication is licensed under a CC licence, a deposit licence is not needed. Further information on CC licences can be found in the section »Under which licences can publications be published on the repository?« on the repository help pages.
When these requirements are met, you can submit your publication via the following steps on this page:

Step 1

  1. Select a suitable document type (»Dokumenttyp«).
  2. Then upload the file by clicking on »Durchsuchen« under »Upload document(s)« and selecting the correct file
  3. Check the box »I have read the legal notices and agree to them«.
    Please note: Only the general deposit licence for publishing on the repository is linked here. If you are submitting a dissertation, please use this form to agree to the publication.
  4. Click on »Next step« (»Weiter zum nächsten Schritt«)

Step 2

In the following step, please fill in all fields marked with a coloured * (mandatory fields). We encourage you to also enter additional information.

For numerous fields, you can request additional fields for entering information by clicking on the »Add one more ...« button (maximum: 5 fields). This is recommended, for example, if several referees of a dissertation are to be specified, if an abstract is available in several languages or for entering several keywords.

Please find instructions for filling in the mandatory fields (marked with an *) below. You are welcome to also fill in the other fields listed here. Of course, you can fill in all fields of the form.

  • Submitter*: If possible, please enter an e-mail address here at which you are likely to be contactable in the future.
  • Main title(s)*: Please enter the full title of your publication.
  • Abstract(s): Please enter an abstract for your publication. The abstract should not exceed 5,000 characters (including blanks). If the abstract is available in several languages, one abstract field can be used per language. Please enter the language for each abstract by selecting it from the drop-down menu. Please note that the abstract for a dissertation should be entered in both German and English, if possible.
  • Author(s)*: Please enter all authors of the publication, if possible with a contact e-mail address. This field can be added as often as needed, so all contributors to publications with numerous co-authors can be stated.
    • The fields »Birth date« and »Birth place« only need to be filled in when submitting dissertations.
    • The checkbox »Allow Email Contact?« should at least be checked for corresponding authors.
  • Publication online*: As a default the current date will be inserted automatically. If your publication has already been published online at an earlier date, please enter the original publication date here.
  • Thesis: date* (for dissertations): Please enter the date on which the thesis was accepted in accordance to the examination regulations.
  • Referee(s) (for dissertations): Please enter the referees of your dissertation. Advisors do not need to be entered.
      In the case of other theses (Bachelor's, Master's, Diplom or Magister theses), for reasons of data protection, referees may only be named if they have given their explicit consent!
  • Granting institution* (for dissertations): Please select »Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität«.
  • Publishing institution*: Please select »Johann Christian Senckenberg University Library«.
  • Institute(s): Please select your department.
  • Tag(s): Please enter keywords that describe the content of your publication. Please use one field per keyword/tag.
  • Room for Notices: If you would like to tell us something, you can enter this message here. You can also enter information for which no other field seemed suitable, additional keywords, etc.
  • Language*: Please enter the language of your publication. This field also determines the language for all information entered in the form (e.g. title, abstract, keywords). If you have entered information in another language in one of the fields (e.g. a German abstract in addition to an English abstract), you must set the language individually in the corresponding field.
  • Licence*: Please select the licence under which your publication is to be published. The standard licence for publications on the publication server is the German copyright law »Deutsches Urheberrecht«. You agree to a publication under German copyright law both by submitting the general deposit licence as well as the Genehmigung zur Publikation einer Dissertation (agreement for dissertation publishing). However, for academic publishing and in the spirit of Open Access, we recommend publishing under a Creative Commons (CC) licence.

To finish, please click »Next step« (»Weiter zum nächsten Schritt«).

Step 3

If all fields are filled in correctly, you will be taken to a page where you can check the information entered. The file(s) you uploaded will also be displayed at the end of the page:

If any information needs to be corrected, you can return to the previous page by clicking on the button »Make changes« (»Einträge ändern«). If all entries are correct, click on »Save document« (»Dokument abspeichern«).

Step 4

You will be taken to a confirmation page. A five-digit document ID number is displayed. Please note this number down in case there are any queries about your submission.

Thank you very much! You have successfully uploaded your publication!

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zuletzt geändert am 18. Juli 2023



- Publikationsfonds, Beratung -
Jasmin Heuer, Boram Schröter
Tel. 069/ 798-49107


- Publikationsserver, Zweitver-
öffentlichungsservice -
Jakob Jung
Tel. 069/ 798-39430

Plattform für OA-Journals

Dr. Gerwin Kasperek
Tel. 069/ 798-39365

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